Latin America Initiatives
The event Le voci della foresta, la voce dei diritti [The voice from the forest] (March, 19-21) with three Amazonian indigenous activists as special guests: Diogo Amho Juruna (activist Xavante), Shirley Djukurnã (activist Krenak) e Armando Sampaio Lacerda, was organized on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
It includes various meetings coordinated by Carlo Miglietta, Enrico Comba and Sofia Venturoli and screenings of two movies, the “Jurura, o Espirito da floresta” by Armando Sampaio Lacerda and the “Panará, Video nas aldeias”, a movie realized by indigenous film-makers. The CUALC organized this event in collaboration with the following other associations and organizations: Rete torinese per i diritti dei popoli indigeni, Caffè Basaglia, CarovaneMigranti, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, Comitato Roraima di solidarietà con i Popoli Indigeni del Brasile, Sur, Soconas Incomindios-Comitato di Solidarietà con i Popoli Nativi Americani, Tamburi Parlanti-Patrimoni in Dialogo.